That may be a sticking point for some people, but it did not bother me. One thing I do feel I have to mention is that in order to play this hack, you do need to have RPG Maker XP RTP in order to get this to run. I would wager that most people who have played a Pokemon game before will be able to blow through this one quite quickly. Pokemon Moemon Emerald is a 2013 hack of the original Pokemon Emerald game and features a nice graphical change to all Pokemon characters and sprites. This is a hack that is 100 percent all about the visuals being changed and not much else.

That is not a bad thing and the change in the overall setting does make it feel different, but do not go into this expecting it to be a massively different kind of game. I actually always enjoyed Pokemon Emerald and in all honesty as far as the story and the main gameplay goes, not much has really changed here if I am being honest. While the sprites have been changed at its heart, I would say that Moemon Emerald is the same Pokemon game you know and love. This is a very charming kind of game and the way that they have managed to have Moemon from multiple regions is something that I think is very cool. I like how cute they have made the Pokemon look and not went for an oversexualized design like I am sure many people may have thought they would.