Why is this so useful and exciting? Well, it’s because a lot of displays on laptops are getting bigger. You even can group the windows in a four-square grid, just like the Microsoft Logo. You can either tile side by size at an even length, side by side with one side bigger, straight down the middle with each being a vertical column, straight down the middle with the middle one being bigger, and other choices. Once you hover, with any other open apps in the background you’ll see one of six ways that you can tile the window. No more need to use a keyboard shortcut or even drag your window around. How do you use it? Well, it’s as simple as hovering over the maximize button. It’s not as complete as Power Toys, but it is inspired by that app’s ability to tile windows easier. Window grouping in Windows 11 is a real killer feature. Click on Save to store the tweaked settings. Keep in mind that if you set that number too high and have relatively small zones, it might be harder to target the one you wish. In contrast, increase that number to have a zone "activated" sooner. A lower number means that you will have to drag a window almost precisely to the center of a zone to have it snapped there.

From the new window that appears, you can: When back in FancyZones' layout list, click on the little pencil icon on the top right of its thumbnail to customize your layout further.